Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's Fishing time!

fishing time

Okay, How I have no idea how this things works, I had to ask Rhinna for a NC explaining this funny tournament ... so here you have!

The all new Harlow Fishing Tournaments offer a generous 300L prize pot! That will be split 3 ways! Not only that but we accept donations to the pot, taking the pot to anywhere over 500L! Oh oh.. and not just that.. no no no! You will also have a high chance of catching many of the Striking Poses poses that managed to end up in the sea!
So in simple terms, grab your fishing rod, some bait, come join us by the docks at Harlow and you’ll win many prizes, from Poses to Linden cash! Weee....

All this to happen today at 5:00pm SLT! But keep an eye to the blog because I will be telling you when the next one comes in the case you miss this one for today :)

Be quick, who knows how many prizes lie at the bottom of the sea waiting to be caught!

And last one thing ...getting started is pretty easy, but if you've never done it, its hard to know where to contact Rhianna and she'll help them get started? how nice of her! I will take the first lesson today :D

Get your boat to the Harlow 7seas Docks here

See ya there!


P.S. Lots of people are already here, hurry up!

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